• 万向娱乐-万向平台注册「畅享高质量游戏」

  • 万向娱乐-万向平台注册「畅享高质量游戏」

    Slip Ring Induction High-Voltage Motor

    A new series of products optimized and designed using technology from Dongyuan Westinghouse Electric Company in the United States. Adopting a new process, it has the advantages of simplified equipment, reliable operation, investment savings, and reduced energy consumption. It is safe and reliable to operate, and easy to install and maintain. Suitable for driving various general machinery such as ventilators, compressors, water pumps, coal mills, steel mills, and winches.

    • Brand :: TECO
    • Type:: AEZT/AECT/AECU

    A new series of products optimized and designed using technology from Dongyuan Westinghouse Electric Company in the United States. Adopting a new process, it has the advantages of simplified equipment, reliable operation, investment savings, and reduced energy consumption. It is safe and reliable to operate, and easy to install and maintain. Suitable for driving various general machinery such as ventilators, compressors, water pumps, coal mills, steel mills, and winches.

    TECO Slip Ring Induction High-Voltage Motors RATING:




    • Design  Standards:IEC, BS, JEC

    • Voltage:3300V/6600V

    • Frequency:60Hz

    • Output  Range:355 ~ 4500kW (475 ~ 6000HP)

    • R.P.M.  (Syn.):1800 ~ 900R.P.M. (4 ~ 8 Pole)

    • Time  Duty:Continuous, S1, MCR, S.F.1.0

    • Protection  Enclosure:Totally Enclosed (IP44), Slip Ring WPI

    • Cooling  Method:External and Internal Fans, With Air To Air Heat Exchanger Which Is An Independent Unit Mounted Directly                                On The Motor (IC 611)

    • Mounting:Horizontal Foot Mounting (IM 1001)

    • Frame  No:400D ~ 710E

    TECO Slip Ring Induction High-Voltage Motors APPLICATION:

    • Power  Condition:Voltage Variations ±5% From The Rated Voltage

    • Environment  Conditions:

      Place: Shadow, Non-Hazardous 

      Ambient Temperature: -20 ~ 40℃  

      Relative Humidity: Less than 95% RH (Non-Condensation) 

      Altitude: Less than 1000 Meters

    • Drive  Method:Direct Coupling

    • Direction  of  Rotation:Bi-Directional

    • Method  of  Starting:Full Voltage Across-The-Line With External Secondary Resistor
